The Freshest Instru-mint Whistle (FIW) is a proof of concept for a project I had in mind for a while as well as the opportunity to do something useful with the PIC32 Starter Kit I bought earlier. I did a blog post of my thoughts on the starter kit earlier found here
Adventures in PIC32 Land
It’s been a little while since I’ve been doing hardware things. Lately, I’ve been fighting with openCV which so far has been an absolute nightmare but I have been slowly making progress. CV frustrated me enough that I’ve decided to take a little break and play with some microcontrollers.

TiCS #1
TiCS = “This is Cool Stuff”
I thought I’d try something new where I would showcase some neat stuff I’ve found around the internetz once a month.
1. A Cool Way of Visualizing the FFT
Ben McChesney took the openFrameworks addon, ofxFFT and made a neat way of visualizing the Fast Fourier Transform of whatever his mic was picking up…in this case, his voice and music.
A Pillbox Thermometer
There’s a home decor store that I like to visit every now and then which has some neat things. For each visit, I like to think about how to somehow integrate electronics to whatever I find most interesting.
In my most recent visit, I found a cute brass pillbox and bought it. I decided to make a digital thermometer and have the pillbox house it. I also had to make a gift for my sister as her birthday was coming soon so I thought that this would make a pretty neat gift.
How to AVR with OSX
I can’t believe that it has taken me this long to play around with Atmel microcontrollers. Sure, I’ve used the Arduino platform many times but I haven’t actually programmed an Atmel chip without using Arduino code. I’ve been really interested in using an AtTiny for a project and while I could burn in the Arduino bootloader, I decided that I would take this opportunity to get messy, take chances and make (a whole lot) of mistakes.
XBee + Lights = Happiness

Best Buds…
Let’s go back in time.
Near the end of my time at college, students had to take a design “capstone” course where we were assigned a certain project to complete by the end of the year. The kinds of projects were varied but some examples were automatic gate openers, weather stations and fly trackers. I’m sure most EECS departments had something like this and we were no different. (more…)
Another New Project!
Merry Christmas everyone!
For the holiday season, I bring to you a project where I have some fun with a stuffed toy robot and openFrameworks.
New Project!
Hi all!
I have posted my latest project, an electronic music box that I call the muBox.
Head on over to the Projects Page and check it out!
Playing with Conductive Paint
Hi everyone,
Things are getting really hectic around here at meoWS. I am currently wrapping up a project and am about to start up two new projects. I hope to get one of them finished this month. Be sure to check back later this week in the projects section to see what I’ve cooked up recently.
This weekend, I decided to take some time to play around with conductive paint. I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but it wasn’t until recently that I got my hands on some paint made by Bare Conductive. I took a small sheet of acrylic I had laying around and decided to make a touch pad out of it:
OOT Challenge Revisited
About a month ago, I used the pic18F and the SF Music Instrument Shield to play some songs from Ocarina of Time. A friend requested Saria’s song quickly after I had posted. I accepted the challenge.