PureData (Pd) is a graphical programming interface that’s very similar to Max/MSP. I’ve linked a patch with openFrameworks using the Open Sound Control Protocol (OSC). Here’s the result below:
Posts tagged openframeworks
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Augmented Music Making
Notice: The Sound Revolver (Augmented Music Maker) now has its own project page which you can find here!
I have mentioned before that I am really interested in musical interfaces. I have also been working with openCV a lot lately and (naturally) I wanted to merge the two concepts together. A while ago, I came across the reactable, a really neat synthesizer that makes use of blocks you place on a special table top to create sounds. I really loved that idea of augmentation and I wanted to make something similar. I haven’t come up with a name for this project yet so I’ll use AMM (Augmented Music Maker) as a placeholder name for now.
Edit: Thanks to a wonderful class of grade 3/4 students, the official name for AMM is now “The Sound Revolver.”
TiCS #1
TiCS = “This is Cool Stuff”
I thought I’d try something new where I would showcase some neat stuff I’ve found around the internetz once a month.
1. A Cool Way of Visualizing the FFT
Ben McChesney took the openFrameworks addon, ofxFFT and made a neat way of visualizing the Fast Fourier Transform of whatever his mic was picking up…in this case, his voice and music.
XBee + Lights = Happiness

Best Buds…
Let’s go back in time.
Near the end of my time at college, students had to take a design “capstone” course where we were assigned a certain project to complete by the end of the year. The kinds of projects were varied but some examples were automatic gate openers, weather stations and fly trackers. I’m sure most EECS departments had something like this and we were no different. (more…)